Security Health Check

your way to more IT-Security and Transparency

In-depth analysis and tailored action recommendations for your company

The Security Health Check offers you a comprehensive, workshop-based analysis of your IT infrastructure and security. Our experts identify potential vulnerabilities and provide you with a detailed report featuring individually prioritized actions to sustainably improve your security posture. All for a fixed price with no hidden costs.

Why Security Health Check?

In an era of increasing regulatory requirements, rising customer expectations, and growing cyber threats, businesses need a clear understanding of their IT security. Our Security Health Check provides this transparency and delivers a tailored solution specifically designed to meet your needs.

With Security Health Check, you receive:

Comprehensive analysis of your IT infrastructure

We take a deep-dive into your IT landscape and identify potential attack vectors.

Individual consultation and recommendations

Based on our findings, we offer you concrete, customized actions tailored to your company and your current needs.

Transparency over your IT security


You receive a report with prioritized actions and an indication of implementation and cost plans.


find out more about the Security Health Check
Create transparency and enhance your company’s security with a comprehensive Security Health Check. Our experts help you identify potential threats and take proactive measures— tailored, practical, and efficient.

Your Benefits at a Glance

clarity and control

Identify potential weak-points and respond pro-actively to security threats.

tailored Solutions

Our recommendations are individually developed based on your requirements and priorities.

Cost Control

We give you a clear indication of costs for the proposed measures – and all at one fixed-price

your Chance for Transparency in  IT-Security!
Through our intensive workshop and thorough information gathering, we gain deep insights into your IT structures and develop a customized security concept based on these findings.

the Workshop:

what happens in the Security Health Check

    thorough Assessment

    Our experts analyze your IT infrastructure and security needs through an in-depth workshop.

    Liability assessment

    We check your system for potential attack vectors and uncover security gaps

    Individual Consultation

    Based on our findings, we create a prioritized list of actions tailored to your company’s needs.

    Transparent report

    You receive a clear report with action recommendations and cost estimates, enabling you to take targeted action.